Election of members of the Board of Directors

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The General Meeting of the France-IX Association will take place on 12 June 2024.

With the AGM comes the time to vote to renew the seats available on the Board of Directors. If you share our vision and values, and would like to join the adventure for the next 3 years, send in your application or spread the word!

How many seats are available?

This year, four seats are up for renewal.

Who can apply?

If you have professional experience in the telecoms/internet/network interconnection sector and are ready to get involved and give some of your time to the peering community in France, this is an excellent opportunity for you.

You can apply whether or not your company is a member of the France-IX Association or connected to France-IX.

For this voluntary activity, we expect to benefit from your knowledge of the sector, your ability to identify and collect the needs of the community, and to contribute to the development of the association.
The term of office is 3 years.

The main tasks of the members of the Board of Directors are as follows:

  • Spend time working on the issues for which you will be responsible (as Chairman/Treasurer/Secretary or any other role that may be assigned to you)
  • Attend monthly meetings (1.5 hours);
  • Attend face-to-face meetings (1 or 2 all-day meetings per year);
  • Represent the France-IX association and act as its spokesperson;
  • Act as a link with the France-IX community, in particular by gathering needs and expectations;
  • Participate in the governance of France-IX Services SAS if you join the Strategic Committee set up in 2024, 4 places of which are reserved for directors of the Association.

All members of the Board of Directors must sign a Code of Conduct setting out the rules to be followed to ensure neutrality in decision-making and avoid any conflict of interest.

How and when to apply?

Start by sending us a motivational message which sets out the issues on which you propose to take the lead. Maximum 300 words, in French, must be sent before Monday 13 May 2024 at 12 noon via our contact form : https://franceix-asso.org/contact/

Your application will be examined for approval by the current Board of Directors that evening, and you will be sent a reply.

If it is approved, we will ask you to send us the information before 22 May, which we will share with the voting members:

  • a video presenting your application and what you would like to contribute to the association. Max 2 minutes, in French, mp4 format (Smartphone, Teams, other tools).
  • a photoo
  • link to your Linkedin profile or CV in PDF format


Voting is electronic and will be open from 2 weeks before the AGM (30 May) until the day of the AGM. Your presence at the AGM is recommended but not imperative.
The candidates with the highest number of votes will be elected and announced at the end of the AGM, then on the website and social networks.

Why join the France IX Association Board of Directors?

Board members are not remunerated (salary, bonuses or discounts). Only expenses related to their duties are reimbursed.

Very few technical issues are discussed at Board meetings: Board members contribute their innovative vision and ideas to improve the satisfaction of the interconnection community in France and to ensure the long-term future of France-IX.

Visit here is the list of current members of the Board of Directors in post.

Question, comment, query?

If you have any questions or would like further details, please use our contact form: https://franceix-asso.org/contact/